
At Ackton Pastures, we deliver phonics through the Read, Write, Inc programme which helps all children to learn to read fluently and accurately so they can focus developing their skills in comprehension, vocabulary and spelling. It allows children to self-correct their work and celebrate their success with a variety of fun celebration actions and phrases. They are taught phonemes using pictures and stories and graphemes (special friends) through a frog called Fred.

Children access RWI from Summer term in Nursery until they complete the programme in Key Stage One. They are regularly assessed and grouped into colour bands. The RWI programme equips the children with the knowledge and understanding to pass the statutory Phonics screening test in year 1.

Phonic Development for Reading and Writing Statement of Intent

“So please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray, Go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install, a lovely bookshelf on the wall!”

– Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


What will take place before teaching in the classroom?

The school’s senior leadership team will:
  • Lead the school staff to develop a clear overarching curriculum intent which drives the ongoing development and improvement of all curriculum subjects.
  • Ensure that the phonics leader has appropriate time to develop the phonics intent through careful research and development.
  • Provide sufficient funding to ensure that implementation is high quality.
  • Support the phonics leader and teachers in the implementation of the phonics scheme Read, Write, Inc.
The curriculum leader will:
  • Understand and articulate the expectations of the RWI programme and importance of phonics teaching.
  • Ensure accurate assessment of phonics and effective groupings are regularly completed.
  • Identify children who need 1:1 support during afternoon sessions.
  • Keep up to date with programme developments and subject development through Read, Write, Inc development days and support from local English hub.
  • Ensure resources are readily available for all staff to access.
  • Provide all pupils and children with the knowledge and information to access the RWI online platform – Oxford Owl.
The class teacher, and other staff responsible for delivery of the programme, will, with support from the curriculum leader:
  • Deliver the carefully planned sessions of learning to ensure they meet the needs of all pupils in their groups.
  • Personally pursue support for any particular subject knowledge and skills gaps prior to teaching.
  • Ensure all resources needed for each session are prepared in advance.
  • Attend all relevant training to ensure that they continually strive to deliver the very best phonics teaching.
  • Celebrate children’s success using the RWI celebration actions.

What will this look like in the classroom?

As a school, we use Read, Write, Inc Phonics, and so our typical teaching sequence will be:
  • Speed sounds (say/read/review)
  • Word Time (read/review/assess/Fred fingers/spelling review)
  • Reading activities at a phonically decodable level
  • Writing activities (as appropriate – including letter formation, holding and building sentences, grammatical instruction and spelling corrections)
  • Additional speed sound sessions during afternoons.
  • Posters displaying diagraphs (special friends).
Our classrooms will:
  • Display the RWI posters for children to refer to for support.
  • Promote the RWI ‘behaviours for learning’.
Our children will be:
  • Engaged and focused completing each small step within each session.
  • Resilient learners who overcome barriers and understand their own strengths and areas for development.
  • Able to critique their own work as a reader because they know how to be successful using the ‘tick and fix’ strategy.
  • Safe and happy in Read, Write, inc lessons which give them opportunities to explore their own reading and writing skills development.

How will this be measured?

Pupil Voice will show:
  • A developed ability to use phonic knowledge at their stage of development to decode and blend for reading
  • Confidence in discussing Read, Write, Inc lessons, routines and activities.
  • RWI language when discussing books and during writing sessions to support spelling and reading.
  • An understanding that certain letters together (diagraphs/ trigraphs) make specific sounds, some making more than one sound.
Displays around school and books will show:
  • A consistent approach to the delivery and implementation of the Read, Write, Inc programme ensuring all children are ‘keeping up’ rather than ‘catching up’.
  • That pupils, over time, develop a range of early reading and writing skills which they are able to apply in their earning across the curriculum, as well as in ‘real life’ situations.
The curriculum leader will:
  • Collate appropriate evidence over time which evidences that pupils know more and remember more.
  • Monitor the standards in the delivery of RWI to ensure outcomes are at expected levels.
  • Ensure assessment in completed fairly, accurately and in a timely fashion to ensure that all pupils continue to be challenged and supported as they need.
  • Provide ongoing CPD support based on the outcomes of subject monitoring to ensure that the impact of the curriculum is wide reaching and positive.